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  • 号码 卡费 含话费 操作
  • 号码 卡费 含话费 操作
    MySQL Query : SELECT * FROM `cq02310086com`.`cms_haoma` WHERE `status` = '99' AND `yunyingshang` = 3 AND haoma not like '%3%' AND haoma like '%8%8%8%8%' AND ( ( floor(mid(haoma,2,5)) mod 11111 = 0 and floor(mid(haoma,6,1))<>floor(mid(haoma,7,1)) ) or ( floor(mid(haoma,3,5)) mod 11111 = 0 and floor(mid(haoma,7,1))<>floor(mid(haoma,8,1)) and floor(mid(haoma,3,1))<>floor(mid(haoma,2,1)) ) or ( floor(mid(haoma,4,5)) mod 11111 = 0 and floor(mid(haoma,8,1))<>floor(mid(haoma,9,1)) and floor(mid(haoma,4,1))<>floor(mid(haoma,3,1)) ) or ( floor(mid(haoma,5,5)) mod 11111 = 0 and floor(mid(haoma,9,1))<>floor(mid(haoma,10,1)) and floor(mid(haoma,5,1))<>floor(mid(haoma,4,1)) ) or ( floor(mid(haoma,6,5)) mod 11111 = 0 and floor(mid(haoma,10,1))<>floor(mid(haoma,11,1)) and floor(mid(haoma,6,1))<>floor(mid(haoma,5,1)) ) or ( floor(mid(haoma,7,5)) mod 11111 = 0 and floor(mid(haoma,7,1))<>floor(mid(haoma,6,1)) ) ) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,50
    MySQL Error : Server shutdown in progress
    MySQL Errno : 1053
    Message : Server shutdown in progress